Since my last post on the Core Infrastructure Initiative CII Best Practices Badge for R Packages – responding to concerns, there have been many R language projects started – and completed – on the CII Best Practices site. In this post, we recognize the R projects that have achieved the CII Best Practices – Passing level, and note that several are well on their way to achieving silver level. In all, there are more than 50 CII projects related to R packages, with the popular ggplot2 package at the cusp of joining the group below with 97% completion as of this post.
Please congratulate these package owners for their achievement. If you’re a package developer, consider adding your package to the CII Best Practices ranks, and work your way through the levels of passing, silver, and gold.
Id | Name | Description | Owner |
265 | madrid.air | Parse air quality data published by | Ramón Novoa |
| DBI | A database interface (DBI) definition for communication between R and RDBMSs | Kirill Müller |
| Delaporte | Provides the probability mass, distribution, quantile, random variate generation, and method of moments parameter estimation | Avraham Adler |
| lamw | Calculates the real-valued branches of the Lambert-W function | Avraham Adler |
| pade | Returns the numerator and denominator when given a vector of Taylor series coefficients of sufficient length as input | Avraham Adler |
| fixedWidth | Save fixed width files | Jeston |
| DataExplorer | Simplified Exploratory Data Analysis | Boxuan Cui |
| PKNCA | Perform all noncompartmental analysis (NCA) calculations for pharmacokinetic (PK) data | Bill Denney |
| BAS | Bayesian Variable Selection and Model Averaging using Bayesian Adaptive Sampling | Merlise Clyde |
| MortalityLaws | Fit and compare the most popular human mortality laws | MariusD. Pascariu |
| drake | A general-purpose workflow manager for data-driven tasks in R that rebuilds intermediate data objects when their dependencies | Will Landau |
| httptest | A Test Environment for HTTP Requests in R | Neal Richardson |
| busdater | Business dates for R | Mick Mioduszewski |
| jtools | Summarize and visualize regressions with other helpful tools | Jacob Long |