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{riskassessment} app from the R Validation Hub voted best Shiny app at shinyConf 2023! πŸŽ‰

By May 11, 2023Blog, News

The {riskassessment} app, presented by Aaron Clark from the R Validation Hub, was voted best Shiny app at shinyConf 2023. Congratulations!

The 2nd Annual Shiny Conference was held March 15-17, 2023. It was all virtual with over 4k global registrants. Aaron Clark, from the R Validation Hub Executive Committee, presented on the {riskassessment} app.

The app features several key features such as providing a framework to quantify risk via metrics that evaluate package dev best practices, code documentation, community engagement, and sustainability. The app aims to be a platform for quality assessment within organizations that operate in regulated industries but can be leveraged in various contexts. 

More Information

The {riskassessment} app extends the functionality of riskmetric by allowing the reviewer to: 

  • Analyze riskmetric output without the need to write code in R
  • Categorize a package with an overall assessment (i.e., low, medium, or high risk) based on subjective opinions or after tabulating user(s) consensus after the evaluating metric output
  • Download static reports with the package risk, metrics outputs, review comments, and more
  • Store assessments in a database for future viewing and historical backup
  • User authentication with admin roles to manage users and metric weighting
Here is the {riskassesment} demo app’s example dashboard. Several packages have been uploaded and run to evaluate shiny apps and if they have any risks. 

Note: Development of both riskassessment and riskmetric was made possible thanks to the R Validation Hub, a collaboration to support the adoption of R within a biopharmaceutical regulatory setting.

For more information, the talk is currently available on Appsilon’s Youtube channel

Congratulations! πŸŽ‰