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Comparing Analysis Method Implementations in Software (CAMIS)

By May 31, 2023Blog

CAMIS is a PHUSE working group in collaboration with PSI and the R consortium. Initially, the repository contains R and SAS analysis result comparisons, however, the team hopes to extend to other software/languages in the near future. Their white paper will soon be available on the website. Please help the CAMIS team build a high-quality and comprehensive repository. Learn from the PHUSE WG below!

Are you trying to replicate results using different software/languages and struggling to find out why you can’t match the results? 

Check out the CAMIS repository!

The CAMIS repository stores documentation detailing the reasons for observed differences when performing statistical analysis in SAS and R. The repository is housed on GitHub and will be populated through open-source community contributions.

Differences between software could be due to different default and available options, including the methods being used.  By documenting these known differences in a repository, we aim to reduce time-consuming efforts within the community, where multiple people are investigating the same issues.  If you find an issue not already investigated, please log an Issue in GitHub.  If you have time to investigate and document the reason for the issue, then please submit a pull request with the new content in a quarto file. Details of how to contribute can be found on the website.