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Highlights from R-Ladies Paris Hybrid Meetup Empowering Community Outreach

By November 16, 2023Blog

This blog post contributed by Mouna Belaid, on behalf of the R-Ladies Paris team

We were delighted to host a recent hybrid event called Feedback from Experiences in Data Science and Scientific Consultation on October 19 at R-Ladies Paris (in French). We were delighted to invite two amazing speakers: Anna Doizy, a researcher, consultant, and trainer specializing in experimental methodology and data analysis using R, and Kim Antunez, a public statistician at INSEE – The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies. Both speakers delivered their presentations in French, providing valuable insights and knowledge to our diverse audience.

We regularly post updates about our upcoming events on our Meetup group. Everyone is welcome to join us there. 

We are grateful for datacraft for hosting our event. The venue was well equipped with large screens for the virtual part of the meetup, ensuring a smooth experience for our attendees.

Before starting the presentations, we initiated the recording to make the content accessible. We also went live on our Facebook page, underlining our commitment to inclusivity and ensuring that a wider audience could engage with the event.

Many Contributions Made an Excellent Event

Chaima Boughanmi, a Data Scientist at ExpandedBM – BVA and organizer at R-Ladies Paris, opened the conference and introduced the R-Ladies Paris community and our guest speakers.

Then Xavier Lioneton, COO at datacraft, provided an insightful introduction about datacraft, which is a learning and coworking club for data scientists. Furthermore, they offer an exciting agenda with upcoming data science-related events. If you’re interested, we highly recommend exploring their agenda to stay informed about their upcoming events.

Following the warm introduction to our community, Anna Doizy started her presentation virtually, through the discussion about her scientific projects and her journey as a freelancer for the past three and a half years. She shared her transition from the role of a “biostatistician” to the one of a “scientific consultant” and delved into the challenges she faced while establishing her own company. Anna’s talk also covered her valuable contributions in helping researchers to enhance their experimental approaches.

Her talk was truly impressive.

To ensure the smooth flow of the event, the question and answer session was moderated by Mouna Belaid, an R Consultant at ArData and an organizer at R-Ladies Paris, alongside Chaima Boughanmi.

Then came the turn of our second invited speaker, Kim Antunez, who delivered a live presentation titled “Mon roman d’appRentissage (My LeaRning Novel).” She began by introducing herself by identifying as an R Lady, a title she has proudly earned. Kim then took us on a journey through the eight years she spent developing her skills in the field of data science.

Kim impressed us with stories of her personal experiences, including her work with R Shiny applications, the development of R packages, and her contributions to community presentations, which showcased her dedication and accomplishments.

Following Kim’s presentation, we facilitated a second round of questions and answers, which provided an invaluable opportunity for the audience to delve even deeper into Kim’s experiences.

In the closing session, Chaima Boughanmi gave an overview of the upcoming meetups at R-Ladies Paris :

  • Afterwork collaboration with PyLadies Paris.  We got together at a cozy bar in central Paris to discuss all things Python and R on October 24. We always look forward to collaborating with PyLadies communities. You can also find a collection of replays of talks and workshops where we brought both communities together to explore and execute similar tasks in Python and R 
  • Upcoming Presentation – “Glitter Makes SPARQL: A French R Package for Exploring and Collecting Data from the Semantic Web”: The presentation will be in French and led by Lise Vaudor on November 14 at 12:30 pm CET

Following the talks, we set aside some time for networking and meaningful exchanges among our community members.

Our gratitude goes out to Posit for their contribution of fantastic R stickers, which we were thrilled to offer to our community members.

We also had the pleasure of enjoying delicious sandwiches from Chlew and sushi from Bozen which we highly recommend.

We want to express our appreciation to the R Consortium, whose grant made it possible for us to host this event and provide an opportunity for the exchange of knowledge and ideas. 

This event provides the perfect setting for R enthusiasts to meet each other and share their experiences.

For those who missed the event or wish to review the talks, a video recording is available. 

You may also find replays of our previous meetups organized into playlists on our YouTube channel.

If you’d like to join us as a speaker or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at We look forward to hearing from you!